
Upcoming and Past Events

Celebrate Naperville’s Masonic Temple

2024 is the 175th Anniversary of the founding of the Naperville Masonic Lodge and it will be open to the public on Sunday, October 13. Read more about their event

Clow House and Riverview Farmstead

Join Naperville Preservation on a fall tour of Naperville's landmarked historic Clow House and Riverview Farmstead:

Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024
Time: Tour will begin at 10:00AM for approximately 90 minutes. Please come a bit early to get parked and checked in.
Location: Riverview Farmstead Preserve
Book Road, south of Hassert Boulevard/111th Street, in Naperville.

The Clow family played a significant role in the early history of Naperville, Illinois, as one of the first families to settle in the area and establish a farm.   The house is one of Naperville’s 5 local landmarks. 

With our interpretive tour guide, we will tour the Clow House and the dairy barn. The Clow family’s original residence was built in the 1840s. The one-and- and-a-half story home was constructed of rough-cut limestone. The family used the top floor as a residence and kept cattle and livestock on the ground floor. Eventually the Clow family built a separate barn for livestock. 

Tom Cowan, local architectural woodwork designer, will be there, too. He will discuss the techniques used in restoration of the Clow House.

There is no charge for this tour, but please RSVP.